22 Apr Dear Mother Earth
Dear Mother Earth,
One more day, I pay my respects and my deepest thanks for giving me the opportunity to live in you. In this sacred home to which I am proud to belong.
In these days of lockdown, from home, I learn from the perseverance of the swallows and admire the absolute tranquility of the valley. From here I contemplate the strength of the mountains. Despite the fact that I miss walking through them, as one of your inhabitants, these days of fasting makes me value and appreciate them even more. During this rest, the skies are only plough through by the birds of prey and the clouds that now rest from the iron bird.
One more day, thank you!
I owe you my life, my dreams, my light and my home. In your bosom, everything I can experience and imagine, including the moon and the stars, from my birth to my death.
One more day, with reverence and love,
Thank you!