When making your booking at Casa Cuadrau, together with the booking form we require you to make a deposit that will be paid online.
Once we receive your booking and deposit, we will contact you a few weeks before the retreat, so you can fill out a form with more detailed information, so that we can offer you a better service during your stay here. We will also take the opportunity to ask you where you will be coming from and how, in order to help all participants coordinate carpooling and transport options.
As long as you let us know and we confirm this possibility, your deposit is transferrable to a friend/family member who can take your spot.
If you want to cancel your assistance and cannot find anyone to take your spot, the following is our cancellation policy (based on when you cancel):
The remaining payment for the full board accommodation fee can be made by credit card or cash upon arrival at Casa Cuadrau.
The donation for the activities and teachings would be offered at the end of the retreat by credit card or cash.
Thank you for choosing to deepen your yoga practice with us in Casa Cuadrau. We look forward to practising with you.
In order to preserve the retreat atmosphere and to help you benefit from your stay here, there is no internet access.
Upon entering the house, we will invite you to turn off your mobile and all electronic devices, and to leave them on the side, so you can experience an electronic detox.
We ask that you let your family, friends and work know that you will not be available for the time of your retreat.
If you really need to phone, in case of emergency, please find a place outside our premises to make your call and turn your phone off again before you come in.
Thank you for your support!
Medical insurance: If you come from outside Spain, make sure you bring a valid European health insurance card or travel insurance.
Casa Cuadrau has an insurance policy for assistance or accidents and civil liability for all the activities it offers.
Yoga classes are progressive, variations for different levels of practice and particular limitations are always offered. However, the risk of injury is always present and can not be totally eliminated. If you experience any pain or discomfort, you will listen to your body, adjust the posture, and ask support from the instructor in order to minimise the risk.
Yoga and other similar activities exercise the body and offer an opportunity for relaxation, stress re-education and relief of muscular tension.
*Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Yoga is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions. The client affirms that he/she alone is responsible to decide whether to practice yoga.
The itineraries of the walks, excursions and long treks described on our retreats are indicative and susceptible to be modified. Activities are subject to weather conditions and the number and characteristics of the participants. The timetable, itineraries and ways to proceed may be modified or even suspended, if circumstances so advise and always at the discretion of the guide in charge.
Respect towards the group and the environment is essential for the proper development of activities. The client must follow the instructions and advice of the guide and respect the silence. We will always follow the itineraries marked by the guides without leaving the marked paths. In nature, we will avoid taking or leaving anything, not even organic waste.
The equipment, clothing and footwear must be suitable for hiking in medium-mountain terrain. In addition to taking into account the time of year in which the activity is developed, it is necessary to understand that in the mountains time can suddenly change. A day can start sunny and end up with pouring rain, and even in the middle of summer it can be cold. Detailed equipment in: what to bring?
For most of the activities, it is not necessary to prior experience in mountaineering, or have an extraordinary physical form. There is no age limit, as long as the children are accompanied or authorised by their parents or tutors. However, an acceptable physical condition is necessary. All mountain activities involve the possibility of suffering injuries and/or going through risky situations. The client understands that he or she is not exempt of the responsibility to abide by such recommendations and to respect them to reduce all risk to a minimum. In case of being in a situation of risk or danger during an activity, the client will communicate it to the guide as soon as possible.
First: That I am aware that the activity to be carried out may have certain risks and unforeseeable consequences when developing in mountainous terrain.
Second: That I have been informed by the entity: Casa Cuadrau S. Coop of the risks inherent in participating in this activity.
Third: That I have been informed of the characteristics of the activity (physical, psychological, place, material that I must use, etc.) and I carry it out with knowledge of them.
Fourth: That I do not suffer from any physical, mental or legal illness or problem that prevents or makes the practice of mountain activity inadvisable and that my physical condition is adequate for carrying out this activity. I also promise not to be under the effects of relaxing, exciting or hallucinogenic substances, on the date the activities are carried out
Fifth: That I have the obligation to attend to all indications and instructions transmitted by those responsible for the activity.
I declare to know the general conditions and the mandatory rules for the activity that I want to carry out.