09 Oct Full Moon Ritual
These full moon days of October we invite you to do a little ritual and exercise of journaling.
First of all, light a candle or set up a small altar of autumn. Then sit for a few minutes to meditate. Contemplate the silence and the present, without judgement.
After the meditation, take your notebook/ paper. Make a list of what you want to leave behind, what you want to let die so you can make room for a rebirth.
Then on another piece of paper write what your deepest desires or aspirations are for your life, or for this specific moment in your life.
Open up to discover. Give space through silence to listen deeply to your intuition.
Before this exercise we recommend you to read our last post about Deep Cleaning.
Journaling is a very powerful practice to be able to bring down on paper all what is inside and thus have greater clarity of what we want to work on.
Full moons are a time in the cycles where there is an invitation to become aware of what we want to transform. They are also a good time to slow down and rest.
We hope you like this ritual and that it is useful for your practice.