Autumn Ritual Recommendation

Autumn Ritual Recommendation

Autumn has just begun. It is a time when Nature withdraws inward: the leaves of the trees fall, the daylight shortens, and it gets colder. This corresponds to the metal or air element, related to the lungs and the large intestine.

Yoga means union or integration. Integration and harmony of our being, and all the systems and layers that make it up. But it is also integration with our surroundings, with nature.

Rituals in our life

It’s important to embrace celebrations, no matter how simple they may be. All rituals and celebrations provide us with the time to connect with Nature, to feel Her, and to listen to what is happening both inside and outside of us. To experience yoga/integration with Nature. It is a way to celebrate life and its cycles.

We propose a simple ritual that you can do today, this weekend, or whenever it works for you… during this autumn.

Let’s reclaim the value of rituals!

We invite you to turn inward and offer you this ritual:

  1. Take a silent walk in nature or in a nearby park.
  2. Listen to your body as you walk, opening yourself to the sounds and breathing deeply how the autumn is entering the environment.
  3. Collect natural elements that inspire you 🍂🍄🪶
  4. Create a small altar with those elements, and sit to breathe mindfully, paying attention to the movement of your lungs and rib cage. Meditate for a few minutes on how, with each breath, every cell in your body is also breathing in that vital energy (Prana/ Qi), the basic life force. (Aware of the energy of the Lungs)
  5. Make a list of the experiences from summer that have nourished and helped you evolve, as well as those that have not and that you need to let go of. (Aware of the energy of the Large Intestine)
  6. Burn the list until it turns completely to ashes. Place the ashes in a plant pot 🪴 or your garden, leaving it as nourishment for what is to come.
  7. Create space in your day to rest, be with yourself, and take care of your well-being.

Let us know if you do it how did you feel after it. 
